Tatanka Sun (The City of Hope)
Finest Hopi craftsmanship
The meaning or name City of Hpoe comes from the legend of poi-Latona `he and means the power in the house of my life. (Cuff does not stand for bangle but for the bracelet that holds you in life, like life itself). Finest handwork in silver and 14k (585) gold. Consists of 7 individual pieces with or without stones A cuff holds you in life.
City of Hope Cuffs were also worn in Europe (from the 5th century) from the Persian to the Roman Empire as a symbol of power, spiritual strength and success in life. The City of Hope Cuff becomes an important part of life for the person who wears it, because those who wear it know of the strength in life.

Tatanka Sun (The City of Hope)
Silber und 14k (585) gold with Stones
Man: Grösse 6 ins. / 3.4 cm wide. ca. 114g
Lady: Grösse 5.2 ins. / 3 cm wide ca. 92g